Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Law of Attraction Series...Introduction

Hello Passion for Pitching Family,

In the following Law of Attraction series I am going to be writing several blogs explaining the foundation of how we as humans create our own reality.  This series of blogs was inspired by many years of reading, listening, living, experiencing and practicing the Universal process of the Law of Attraction.  About 15 years ago I "stumbled" upon this amazing information because I wanted to throw a faster fastball.  I went from pitching coach to pitching coach and trainer to trainer working to increase velocity on my fastball.  Finally, I discovered the only real coach I ever needed was the awareness of how this Universe works and a belief and trust in myself.

My playing career did not last as long as I had hoped but everything that I had went through brought me to this day and has taught me many great things for me to be an amazing pitching coach.  Fast forward 15 years to the current day and now I am a pitching coach in the St Louis Cardinals organization, have won three championships in my first four years, and run a successful pitching business in the off season.  All of which could not have been possible unless I started to practice the information I have learned over the years on a daily basis.  There have been many experiences in my baseball career where I could have given up and moved on, but through my understanding of the creative process I now am able to understand life from a whole new perspective.  Now I am not saying by knowing this information I am now perfect and only great and amazing things happen to me everyday.  But I can say that I am able to look at all things as being great and amazing no matter what the type of experience.  This is what has made all the difference.

So in the following series I will be introducing (or perhaps reiterating for some of you) the Law of Attraction, the Emotional Guidance System, the Art of Allowing, the Creative Process, Perspective, Contrast, Desire, Belief and much, much more.  My goal in writing this series is to create a baseline of information for all future blogs, a new and life/career altering way to look at what you do each day, and to hopefully bring more clarity to your day to day life. 

It is my promise to you that after reading through this series and then continuing to read my blogs whether you are an athlete, parent or coach your life will never be the same.  Your life will be enriched and enlightened in a way that will be with you forever more and will allow you to see how life truly does get better and better.

Happy Pitching...enjoy the journey and read on!!!!

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