Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Why do we go through injuries?  Why do pitchers go down from all over the world each season?  Why do we have 12 year old kids getting Tommy John Surgery?  Why is a 17 year old senior in high school dealing with surgery in a time of his life he is supposed to be flourishing?  Why are some of the young pitchers I work with in the professional levels getting hurt when we monitor them so closely?  Is there anything we can do?  Is there anything I can do?  Nobody gets bothered more by all of these questions then yours truly but I have to take a step back each time a hear such a story.  I have to take a step back because I am not creating for another persons life.  My first reaction is to ask myself what I did wrong or what did those coaches of that young player do wrong.  But the fact of the matter is nobody did anything "wrong"  Nobody is ever going to directly seek out to hurt or injure a young pitcher but it still happens.

There is nobody in this world who truly knows the exact cause of another pitchers injury.  Not even the best pitching coach in the world or the best biomechanist in the world.  Film does not read vibration.  Film does not read energy.  Film does not read an emotional state of any of these pitchers we see in this world.  A great mentor of mine often states that if you want to truly know why a person contracts a disease or cures a disease into and then out of their life, you must look at their emotional state.  This is not something of the norm.  This is not something you hear about everyday unless you are seeking this information.  But I am here to tell you that this is what is at the root of everything going on in this world.  Vibration!!  The way you feel on the inside, the way you vibrate, the frequency you are emanating is what is of importance in your every day life.  I blogged about this in the post "Developing Young Pitchers" we must start from the inside.  Each individual in their own special way.  They must want to realize how they feel, they must want to be aware of how they feel.  If you don't start with the feeling place of something then you are lost.  If you are running around like a chicken with your head cut off you are going to have a lot of craziness in your life.  But if you can take a step back, take a deep breathe and ask yourself a simple question, "How Do I Feel?" then you will begin to figure this whole thing called life out.

The reason I am writing this blog to you all is for several reasons but I will touch on two directly.  First, it is true, some of the pitchers I worked with this year are dealing with injury issues right now.  In ways I feel responsible and wish I could turn back the clock and see where this all started.  But I also know that I have only been with these pitchers for 6 months and some even a smaller amount of time.  There really is no way that I was responsible for the injuries but that doesn't take away the human emotions I have involved with the players I work with.  I love them and want them to flourish and not deal with this type of contrast.  But this takes me into the second reason for this blog.  People need to start understanding how this world works and I need to be the one who takes ownership in my own life and I need to rep my life the way I want to live it.  This is a Vibrational world and until we want to take ownership and acceptance of that then we will continue to run around like chickens with our heads cut off and blame everyone else for our current conditions in our life.  But that sucks and I no longer want to be caught up in that game. 

With all that being said, this does not mean I can just waive my magic wand and all of the beliefs about my life and how I got here are going to just fade away so I can create new ones that feel better and assist me in life.  But that sure is the process I am taking and will continue until the day I transition.  So now the tricky part is how do I share this information with the players I work with without being too harsh or without them thinking they are bad people because they are creating their life and created an injury they truly do not want.  That is one long, mixed up and confusing story to unwind.  But if we start to realize all that goes into something like this.  Things like Contrast, Belief, Desire, Expectation, Perspective.  When we get down to the nitty gritty and we start to understand the words I just listed the picture actual becomes very clear and then the injury is actually not what it seems.  It is not a "bad" thing, it starts to feel differently.  It starts to mold itself into something amazing.  It starts to assist you in clarity and focus and desire and all these amazing things that pull life energy through your body. 

So where do we go from here???  Well, I don't know for all of you because I can't answer that and I may have offended a lot of you out there today.  (don't think I did but you never know these days...lol)  But for me, it starts with me no longer hiding who I am and how I perceive my life.  So from here on out I will start to decipher the information I have come across in my world.  I will start to clarify and explain things I have learned that have brought me along in this world to a very good feeling place for right now.  (I say for right now because it is just for right now, it only gets better from here!!)  But what I am going to do is work from inspiration.  And when I feel it, I will get on this computer and start to introduce the information I know as the science of deliberate creation.  The Universal Laws.  The art of allowing.  The very information that has brought us all together in this amazing place we call physical life.

All for now....bet you are all very scared where this is all leading to...LOL...calm down, not as weird as it seems...more to come from inspiration soon!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you've found some new determination to speak what you've come to know. And of course, I agree wholeheartedly with you. I bet it feels good to express what you know and "let it all out there". I like that you're expressing what you really know to be true for you.
