Friday, September 24, 2010


One of the biggest subjects when discussing pitching and the wind-up is being able to create a repeatable delivery.  For me, that means everything needs to be timed up, work in proper sequence, flow, be smooth, fluid, and of course under control. 

That is a lot to cover when you are a young pitcher trying to figure things out.  It is even a tough task for some of the professionals I work with in the Cardinals Organization. So how can a pitcher make sure he is repeating his delivery and that it will be the same the next time he comes out to practice?  The Metronome is my answer to this question.

Does everybody know what a metronome is?  It's a device that maintains a specific beat with a ticking counter so you know if you are maintaining a certain rhythm and tempo.  Mostly they are used for musicians to make sure their timing is right for a certain song.  What the metronome allows a pitcher to do is stay on rhythm, maintain a certain timing to the delivery and then it also makes sure the pitcher repeats the delivery on the same timing each repetition.  Each time the metronome clicks or tick-tocks, it gives immediate feedback to the pitcher of whether or not they are in rhythm for that specific delivery.  After a while the pitcher will not need the metronome, it will be cemented in their bodies timing.  But what do you do before you get to that point in time?  Again, that is why the metronome is such a helpful tool.  You will be able to repeat the same timing over and over until it becomes natural to you.

The other thing the metronome does for you which is so great is that it lets you feel whether you are moving too slow or not.  When I use the metronome with my professional pitchers they always ask  me if they are truly working that slow or not.  I usually get them on the mound and have them do THEIR normal motion.  Then when I set the metronome to what THEIR current, natural rhythm is, they always feel like they are working too slow.  I love that about the metronome.  It is not me telling them they are too slow, they need to get moving, it is the feedback they get from the metronome that lets them know.  Now, as we start to speed the rhythm of the metronome up, the pitcher themselves can decide on how fast or slow they want to move and they will always have that feedback to see if it is on time or not.

Look out for a youtube clip on my personal channel coming very soon on the metronome.  I will show you exactly how to use it and how to time up your feet with the rhythm of the metronome.  This is a great learning tool for all ages of pitchers, little league to the big leagues!!!  Ok, gone for now, hope all is well with you out there in the pitching world!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Welcome Home

It is September 14th at 8:55pm.  I am back in San Diego and I am sitting in my friends apartment with nobody around and nothing but quiet surrounding me.  The off season has definitely arrived.  I have been in the water twice already and looking for more surf tomorrow.  Although, there really isn't much surf now anyways so I am really just showing off.  I found a place to live but can't move in for a couple weeks so I am couch surfing until the move in day.  Ahhhh, the life of a professional coach!  It is like I am a rolling!

I know I keep saying this, because it is true, but it has been a while since I wrote on here.  There will be much more opportunities for me to write now that I am back home and in the calm of the off season so we can all look forward to some more insightful writing by yours truly!!

I'm sure you are all wondering what the heck happened from July 19th to now, seeing as that is how long it has been since I have been on my blog page.  Well, we kicked a whole lot of butt in the Appalachian League.  We ended up with the best record, won the division and then swept through the playoffs and won the chamionship!!   This goes down as my second in three years with the Cardinals Organization and to be brutally honest, I am very proud of the work I did this year.  We had a couple pitchers make the all-star team, one of which also won pitcher of the year.  We had a blast!

One of the things I am learning more and more about in my life and also in this game of baseball, is that you must sit back and congratulate yourself every once and a while.  It is ok to be tough on yourself at times and it is also ok to praise yourself.  There is no growth unless you allow yourself to feel it and self praise or self appreciation is the best way to accomplish that. 

There were many great times and memories during the course of our season but nothing feels better then when I think about the relationships I shared with the guys.  That is why I coach.  I coach to have relationships and to be there for the pitchers when they need me.  This year was better then the year before, which was better then the year before.  The relationships I was able to create with the guys this year is something I will never forget.  What is so great about all this is that it is only going to get better because that is how the world works.  The better it gets, the better it gets!!  The amount of growth I have had from day one with the Cardinals to now has been huge and it is something I look forward to getting better and better. 

So, thank you Passion for Pitching family for hanging around.  It is going to be an amazing off season and I can't wait to get things started!!