Friday, March 16, 2012

The Law of Attraction (L.O.A. series #1)

Hello Passion for Pitching Family,

I start this Law of Attraction series with one of the most important Universal Laws you could ever know about.  This is not something make believe and this is not something made up in a movie.  This is an actual Universal Law and it is the law that brings all things together in your lives.

The law I am speaking of is the Law of Attraction and it can be defined in several ways...




It is really rather simple as long as we don't try to complicate it too much.  The Universe and everything in it is made up of energy.  All energy has a vibrational frequency.  Similar vibrational frequencies attract each other and eventually end up coming together.  

Have you ever heard of Einstein?  Have you ever heard of E=mc2?  Of course you have.  This equation is the main equation that explains how the energy in the Universe works and how we are all connected.  Now I am not expecting you all to go out and start reading books about Quantum Physics but that is really what we are talking about here.

So why is the Law of Attraction important to you?  Since the Law of Attraction is a Universal Law stating that like attracts like and since we are human beings made up of energy just like everything else in this world, that means we actually have a say in what we bring or attract into our lives.  This is HUGE for us as human beings.  This means that we are able, through our vibrational frequency, to attract things to us that we like and love.  Things that we want in our life.  Things such as an amazing baseball career, a great school to play baseball at, interacting with special trainers that can transform our bodies, and amazing coaches to assist us in our careers.  Anything that you can think that you would ever want in your life you can attract and have because of the Law of Attraction!!

So what should you do now?  I am going to continue answering that question in the series that I am writing.  We will go into things such as emotions, allowing, and creating that will bring this Law of Attraction thing full circle.  But first I just wanted to define for you what the Law of Attraction actually is.

There is one thing however, that I would like you all to try this week.  I want you to start to be aware of the Universal Law, Law of Attraction.  I want you to start noticing things that are coming in and out of your experience this week.  I want you to notice how you feel while these things or experiences are happening.  Try this...tonight before you go to bed I want you to think about something you want to see or experience this week.  Something very simple and easy.  It could be hearing a song you love to hear while you are driving to school or to work.  It could be seeing a type of dog that you love and it brings a smile to your face every time you see it.  It could be seeing a bunch of good looking ladies.  It could be seeing an amazing sunset.  Anything that is easy to think about and you know it would bring you joy if you saw or heard it.

Now, don't try to get ahead of yourself here and request a million dollars.  I do understand that that would bring a smile to most everyone's face, but for the sake of this drill let's make sure we keep it nice and simple...LOL!!

I will leave you with a quick example...

     When I was at home in the off season in San Diego I lived in a home where the owners had a sweet old dog.  The dog would come up to my door almost every morning when they would let her out.  I remember one day thinking, "man, it would be so cool if I had a tennis ball right now so I could play with her a bit each morning."  That thought left me as quick as it came.  It was just something fun, easy and pure, where I could completely see it taking place and had no resistance towards it.  Later that week (think it had been three days) I woke up and went to go check the surf.  The first spot I checked was in Del Mar on a community street where there are never any cars during the work week.  I always park in the same spot because it is a block from the water.  Well, that day was no different, I went right to my favorite spot.  It just so happened that when I pulled up to my spot that there was a tennis ball sitting right there in the street in front of my car.  I remember thinking to myself, "man this Law of Attraction thing is sooooooo cool.  Thanks Universe!!"  And then continued upon my day.

Just a little Law of Attraction story that may inspire you to do the drill I want you to try this week.

Ok, so that is all for now.  Remember, there are plenty more blogs to come, each building on the one before, each making this message more and more clear.

Thank you and enjoy!!  Happy Pitching!!

PS....quick note....if you are reading this blog right now and asking yourself why I am not writing about pitching but this crazy are missing the point...keep an open mind and just read...I will be back to the pitching stuff very soon...although this is the pitching stuff if you allow yourself to see it that way!!!  Smile!!!

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