Monday, March 19, 2012

Emotions and the Law of Attraction (L.O.A. series cont...#2)

Hello Passion for Pitching Family,

You are currently reading the 2nd blog of the Law of Attraction series I have been writing for all of you.  If you are new to the blog you can go back and start on number one so you can get the fullness of the message.  You will see (L.O.A. series #1) in the title so you know where to start.  Enjoy!

In the first blog I introduced and defined the Law of Attraction for you.  You now know that like attracts like and that we have the power to create our own realities.  The next step in this process is to go a little deeper and delve into the world of emotions so you can further gain hold of this Universal Law.

Emotions and Law of Attraction work together in the sense that Law of Attraction responds to your thoughts, but the emotions or feelings you have on a moment-to-moment basis are indicating to you what you’re in the process of creating or attracting. 

You have emotional responses every day, practically in every moment, even if you’re not paying attention.  You feel happy, sad, mad, annoyed, frustrated, angry, excited, eager….but do you know what your emotions mean?  Do you know what they’re telling you?

Your emotions are similar to a GPS system, they navigate you from point A to point B in your life.  It works like this, every time you think a thought it evokes an emotion from you.  That emotion is an indicator to you of whether or not you are headed down the road you want to be heading down or whether it is time to make a turn and head down a different road.  It really is that simple.  Where it gets difficult is when you choose not to listen to the voice on the GPS.  It gets difficult when you ignore the GPS so much you can't even realize it is on and working for you.  Let me give you a baseball example of this.  Can you think back to a time you were in a game and on the mound pitching when you felt pretty clear and focused in the game?  Do you remember how you had little impulses or even BIG impulses where you knew what pitch you wanted to throw next?  Then you followed those impulses and the game went in your favor throughout?  Or how about when you had those impulses and didn't go with them and every time you went against those impulses you gave up a hit?  Remember telling yourself you would never do that again?  This is one way of how your emotions can assist in your sport and in life.

The first step in this process of understanding emotions and how they are our best friend is playing a quick game to make sure you are aware of your emotions.  It goes like this...think of something good, something fun that makes you smile.  DO IT!!!  Close your eyes and think of your favorite dog when you were growing up or your favorite song or your first kiss or when you hit the game winning homerun.  Can you feel the emotion inside you right now?  How does it feel?  It should feel like a million bucks, like you just lifted your soul and some weight fell off your shoulders.  Ok, now let's do the opposite.  Think of something bad, something that you know you do not like.  For example, the day your dog died or your teacher scolded you in front of your friends or your parents grounded you.  Can you feel the emotion inside you right now?  How does it feel?  It should feel like sadness or guilt or pain or anger.

Could you feel the difference in emotions when you were thinking good thoughts as opposed to bad thoughts?  That is exactly what you want to be able to feel.  Now you are starting the process of being aware of your emotions.  Now you can call your EMOTIONS your guidance system and not the GPS system in your car...LOL!

So let's have a quick recap.  The Law of Attraction is bringing things to you.  "Stuff" is brought to you by the vibration you are tuned to.  Emotions let you know whether you are tuned to things you would like in your life or things you may not want so much.  How you feel (the emotion you feel) is that indicator.  

Now you have the knowledge of the Law of Attraction and the knowledge of how emotions assist you with the Law of Attraction.  The next step is to continue messing around with the drills I have given you in both of the blogs.  So keep thinking of fun stuff you want to see and keep being aware of how you are feeling from time to time throughout your day.  This is a great start and now you can continue on to the next blog and add another piece to the puzzle.

All for now....Happy Pitching!!!

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