Monday, June 7, 2010

The Draft Is Here

Hello Passion for Pitching Family

It has been a while so I thought I would force myself to sit down and write a bit!!  The last few days I have been back in San Diego and that can mean only one thing, the amateur baseball draft is here!!  Every season thousands of kids who have been scouted through the past several months or even the past couple years go onto a giant board for all major league clubs to see.  They sit for hours upon hours and choose out of those thousands of athletes, college and high school level, who can potentially help their club at the highest level.

For any young kid out there reading this blog right now, I want you to know you can be one of the athletes chosen when you are old enough to become draft eligible.  The real question is do you want to be one of those kids chosen in the baseball draft??

Life is a journey, we have all heard that before right!?!  Life is a journey that truly never ends.  More and more continues to happen as we roll along through our lives.  More and more asking, more and more wanting.  But when we are preparing ourselves for something like professional sports there is one thing you always want to make sure of, ask for it all!!  Are you paying attention?  Did you just read what I wrote?  ASK FOR IT ALL!! 

This is what I mean by this statement.  So many times in life people ask for something that they want to have happen in their life but don't really ever stop to think about what happens once it comes.  For example, if you are a young kid right now thinking of being drafted one day and how great that would be and how bad you want that to happen, don't stop there.  The asking of being drafted is just one little dot on a very long line called, your life.  Ask for the being drafted part but don't let that be the end of your story.  Make sure that the asking to be drafted part is right around chapter 3 and then the rest of the book is about the amazing journey of how you got to the big leagues and then all the success you had once you were there.  But if you stop at the drafted part, how are you going to know what is next.
When you dream at night or when you day dream during the day, GO BIG!!  The more you are able to fill in the entire story line and feel good about it while you are doing it, the better chance you will have in fulfilling that story. 

The other part I wanted to add to this soap box of a blog is the preparation part.  And in professional baseball there is a whole lot of preparation that goes on for most people before they ever get to think about the big leagues.  I don't want to make this point to scare anybody but besides dreaming big and asking for it all instead of just a small part, you also must do your research.  There is a lot that happens to young athletes once they get drafted and most of them are nowhere near prepared for what is going to happen.  The early mornings of extended spring training, the 12 dollars to eat every day, the long bus rides, the rigors of a full season, the late hours, the long hours, etc....  Do you get my point?  Again, I am not trying to scare anyone because I truly believe the game of baseball is an amazing sport and is second to none when we talk about how it can develop you as a human being.  But you also must be honest with yourself and ask how bad do you want it.  Do you realize what is on the other side of that draft day?  The asking is the easy part, it is getting what you asked for that can be the tough part sometimes.  

To wrap this one up I just want to tell everyone reading this blog that you should always ask for what you want, but make sure that you ask for all of what you want and make sure and research what that truly consists of.  Know what it all entails, not so you can be discouraged and realize you don't want something, but to prepare yourself for what is to come so you can handle it as it comes to you.

Thanks again for reading my blog and I hope all your seasons are going well!!  Enjoy your summer, it is coming right around the corner!!!

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